(some of my cookbooks)
(one of my fave espresso makers from Italy)
(some of my travel scapes and real postcards friends and fam have sent)
( a real menu from Le Chat Noir in Paris. I kinda snuck it out after we ate. You know, in one of my uber big bags!)
(love my Dean & DeLuca spices I collected when I was their food columnist)
(fresh arils and the flan I made for Joel Robuchon hanging on my wall)
(view from living room)
Hey friends!! Happy Friday. I’ve not had time to cook or even write in detail this week (though I’ve got 10 resto reviews to push out, 300 images to edit, 3 interviews to transcribe and 5 travel stories) so I’m being a bit lazy and sharing some pics of my kitchen I recently took on a day I was “bored!”
Yea, a bit of boredom yielded this!
This is where it all goes down! The flans, the espresso brewing, the pressure cooking, the eggs (which I eat just about every day), the column experimenting and cooking and all else that tickles my culinary fancy!
Do you love it!? I kinda do! What’s your fave shot?
Here’s to a fabulous weekend! I’ll be participating in the Atlanta Hunger Walk benefitting a few local charities this Sunday so I need to get a good workout in tomorrow before I attempt to run an entire 5k!
En Español
¡Hola, amigos! Feliz Viernes. La verdad es que esta semana no he tenido tiempo de cocinar o siquiera escribir en detalle (aunque tengo que escribir 10 críticas de restaurantes, editar 300 fotos, transcribir 3 entrevistas y escribir 5 artículos sobre viajes), así que estoy un poco perezosa (en cubano decimos “vaga”) y lo que voy a hacer es compartir con ustedes algunas fotos de mi cocina que tomé hace poco, un día que estaba “aburrida”.
Ajá, ¡todo esto es resultado del aburrimiento!
Aquí, en mi cocina, es que sucede todo lo que comparto con ustedes: los flanes, el espresso, las comidas en la olla de presión, los huevos (que como casi todos los días), los experimentos mientras cocino para después escribir mis columnas y, en fin , todo lo demás que despierta mi curiosidad culinaria.
¿Les gustan? ¡A mí me gustan! ¿Cuál es su foto favorita?
Bueno, hagamos un brindis por un fin de semana fabuloso para todos. El domingo voy participar en la Caminata Contra el Hambre, en Atlanta, que beneficia a varias instituciones caritativas locales, así que tengo darme una buena sesión de ejercicios antes de intentar correr (o caminar) los 5 km!
¡Muchos besos!

Eat well, love unapologetically, pray with true intention, and take care of yourself.

0 thoughts on “A Sneak Peek Into My Cocina!”
Love the pic Le Chat Noir. I have that poster n my bedroom. Your kitchen is rustic and weel stocked w/out useless gadgets all over the cabinets. So relate 2 your style…very similar to mines.
Do you have enough espresso makers? I love the knife rack and the rail. If I ever enough time and money, I’m headed to Ikea to have them redo my kitchen and that rail is a must have. Thanks for letting us have a little peek into your magic cabinet, Bren!
That’s it – I’m raiding your spice cabinet – love D&D Spices 🙂 Seriously – stunning kitchen Bren!
Ok…you had me with the first shot of the espresso makers….love, love and falling deep in love with you!! So hot! As you know I love me some espresso and have wanted to start a collection….but I do have a coffee mug collection…and you’re off to a good start LOL. Especially the picture of a cup hanging up…now that original!! Don’t know why I haven’t thought of that one! I think that’s my 2nd fav….spices….nice…real nice!!
Nice!! Hard to pick one shot (they’re all great) but…I’ll go with the first coffee shelf shot.
I love it! One can see that there is a passionate cook in there. Your colection of coffee machines is terrific!
Sherri: isn’t that poster awesome…i love that i’ve eaten there and have a menu… i think that one’s like 10 yrs old. can’t remember. and yes, everything you see are useful tools I use everyday… the pic was not staged at all….
AJ: Ha. I think I have 9. All but one in use. The knife rack is essential! Had to have. Those are my everyday knives. But my real fancy ones for clients, etc… are in their sleeves in the drawers…
Aly: Do you know how much kind of damage I’d do if there was one here! At least I can enjoy it when I’m in DC!
Joi: Ha. seems like the espresso makers are popular. I told you all my addiction is serious! LOL! It’s pretty sad… I have about 20 coffee mugs, but I can only hold 8 at a time. I try to keep them color coordinated but it doesn’t always work that way!
JoanNova: Coffee for sure. Clear winner!
Rosa: Awww, thanks for taking note of that! 🙂 Love my espresso ones… Too bad I didn’t capture them all individually. They’re all so different and make different coffee! Imagine that 😉
I wanted to take a peek at all the kitchen photos, but only a few images loaded up for me. I could cry.
Still, I saw enough to know you’re far more organized than I’ll ever be. I especially loved your impressive arsenal of espresso makers. I love mi café tambien.
Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed looking at all the pics! So fun.
QUE bella cocina esas cafeteras definitivamente es mi foto favorita aunque todas son bellas pero como tomo tanto expreso esa fotos son mis favoritas felicidades
Mi cafecito cubano con un flan…….eso es lo que quiero
Nice cocina. I like the very first pic. I think the “Cappuccino sign” is cool.
I have always loved your kitchen. It has a lot of character.
Una cocina con mucha personalidad 🙂 Me encanta!
Bren, I love the bright colors and the “chaos”…My favorite photo is of the yellow and black menu against the knifes.
I also love all the coffee makers and jars…I love jars filled with beans and rice and goodies.
Thanks for the peak…and next time I am in Atlanta….xo
Amazing!! Loved “peaking” at your cookbooks, great choices in there. Y las cafeteras, ni hablar.
I LOVE your kitchen! Looks like a great place to cook and chat 🙂
Your kitchen is fantastic, but I am not at all surprised.
I LOVE your kitchen! It is evident that you love to cook due to the organization of your area and the many ingredients that you utilize, along with the cookbooks. Is your kitchen spacious? I have always wanted a really huge kitchen to cook and entertain and have my morning coffee. I think its because, living in NYC, everything is so cramped and kitchens are usually tiny. Ah, one day…
It is the kitchen of a culinary genius! I love how everything is cozy and huddled together like the ingredients are just waiting, eager to be used. So awesome, Bren!
I hope you get bored and share all of your kitchen organization tips. Hint. I’m liking the bar with the mugs idea.
Wow. Beautiful shots. I’m definitely having kitchen (and spice!) envy.
Fabulous — a kitchen after my own heart!